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ILO welcomes G20 Culture Ministers' support for decent work goals

The International Labour Organisation (ILO) has welcomed G20 Culture Ministers’ support on culture and sustainable development and called for the integration of decent work goals into ongoing and future cultural policies.

Satoshi Sasaki, Deputy Director of the ILO Country Office for India, while addressing the meeting, appreciated the support of the Ministers for policies that promote decent work and inclusive growth and development in the cultural and creative sectors. In the concluding Outcome Document, the Ministers highlighted the need for stronger cooperation and dialogue in line with international labour standards, the development of adequate remuneration systems and adequate and comprehensive social protection in the sector, and support for transition to the formal economy.

Further, he added that ILO strongly supports the call for cooperation towards promoting ethical, legal and technical considerations to place culture in a more just digital environment, addressing issues on the protection of intellectual property, transparency, and the right to consent to use. ILO would provide full support to G20 Member States and Ministers of Culture to ensure the integration of decent work goals into policies.

The Outcome Document called for greater investment in skills training, technical assistance and lifelong learning – specially for women, youth, marginalised and vulnerable groups. It stressed on the commitment to multilateralism and highlighted the role of culture as an enabler and driver of sustainable development and in supporting the resilience and regeneration of economies and societies.

The Outcome Document was issued at the end of the Ministers’ meeting, which took place in Varanasi, India, on 26 August 2023. India currently holds the Presidency of the G20 and the outcomes of the Culture Ministers’ Meeting will feed into the G20 Leaders’ Summit in New Delhi on 9-10 September 2023.

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