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New report on platform economy marks first step towards considering a new international labour standard

The ILO has released a significant report titled "Realizing Decent Work in the Platform Economy," representing a pivotal step towards potentially establishing a new global labor standard for decent work in this sector. This report will be deliberated upon during the 2025 and 2026 International Labour Conferences.

The report offers current insights into how nations are addressing the opportunities and challenges arising from the expansion of this type of employment. It does so by outlining existing regulations and practices from various countries. Additionally, the report contains a questionnaire through which governments are invited to share their perspectives on the structure, extent, and substance of potential future labor standards.

“The rapid growth of the platform economy is reshaping the labour landscape globally,” said Nuno Cunha, ILO Senior Labour Market Institutions Specialist. “It is introducing new ways of mobilizing and organizing work, opening up new markets for businesses, and creating new jobs and income-generating opportunities. But there are also challenges for ensuring decent work for all workers. As a response, some Member States have already adopted regulations while others currently have draft legislation before their legislatures.”

Governments are being requested to consult with employers’ and workers’ organizations on their replies to the questionnaire and submit their responses no later than 31 August 2024.

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